Nintendo Switch Online is slowly filling up with classic
It’s likely there are many more surprises waiting in the wings – but what
Mischief Makers

Mischief Makers is a side-scrolling platformer game where you play as Marina, a robotic maid who must rescue her creator from the clutches of evil. Along the way, she travels through numerous surreal environments helping out Clancer beings, and overcoming puzzles by shaking, grabbing and throwing various items. With a 2D-3D art style and odd ‘sad face’ environments, Mischief Makers doesn’t look particularly good in modern times – but its platforming elements certainly hold up.
The game is a cult classic, and has steadily gained a fanbase in the modern era as a ‘forgotten’
Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark is a brilliant first-person shooter that riffs off the GoldenEye 007 formula to create something entirely new: a flashy, awesome thriller that introduced the world to stylish spy Joanna Dark. It revolutionised the FPS genre on the
The challenge with porting this game to
Diddy Kong Racing

Another Rare game that deserves a chance to shine on
Diddy Kong Racing is an excellent game, and one that has enough classic charm to thrive in the modern era. The only complication is, once again, in
WCW/nWo Revenge

WCW/nWO Revenge is often considered, alongside WWF No Mercy, as one of the best professional wrestling video games of all time, thanks to a stellar character roster and excellent moves. The graphics for this game still look pretty good, thanks to classic character designs and sharp textures. The controls are also still pretty nifty, thanks to a timeless grappling system that’s actually far simpler than most modern wrestling games. While titles like WWE 2K22 can be quite complex, WCW/nWO Revenge relies on simple inputs that make each move feel meaty.
As a result of age, the game also contains a number of iconic faces, from Roddy Piper to Bret Hart, The British Bulldog, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Misterio Jr., Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Sting. Also Hulk Hogan is there, I guess. While the names and likenesses included may make this game’s inclusion in
Conkery’s Bad Fur Day

Yes, that’s right – another Rare game. Conker’s Bad Fur Day came so close to being another generic platformer starring a cutesy animal until developers at Rare decided the market was flooded, and they wanted to make an anti-mascot. Thus, Conker was born – the rude, demanding, unlikeable protagonist of the highly violent and extremely off-kilter adventure, Conker’s Bad Fur Day. This adventure is filled with crass jokes and over-the-top antics that feel wildly inappropriate in the current era, and it’s likely for this reason that the classic
Before Conker, platforming games were pretty same-ish. But when Bad Fur Day launched, it changed a lot about how people think about games, and who they’re for. It also buoyed the more ‘mature’ years of the
Pokemon Stadium

Pokemon Stadium was one of the first major, successful spin-offs for the Pokemon franchise, and helped introduce players to the strategy battle genre. This title essentially took the main battling mechanics of the original Pokemon games and injected them with a real sense of awe. No longer were players limited to simple sprites on a 2D screen – the Pokemon battles of Stadium are big and over the top, and rendered in fully-3D graphics. In an era where this was uncommon, it felt like a huge revelation for fans. As a result, the game is fondly remembered – with many calling for it to launch on Nintendo Switch Online in future.
Sure, the battles will surely feel a bit less epic in the modern era, and the range of Pokemon available for battling will likely be a disappointment, but for those with strong memories of Pokemon Stadium, a trip down memory lane will certainly be worthwhile. As much as this game has aged, it represents an experimental and wonderful experience designed at the height of Pokemon fever. Its sequel would also be a worthwhile entry, but starting with the original gem is best.
Super Smash Bros.

Nintendo had no idea of knowing what it would unleash when it birthed crossover title Super Smash Bros. into the world. It couldn’t have imagined the major tournaments that would spring up around it, or the decades-long love that the series would spawn. It certainly couldn’t fathom the idea of professional Super Smash Bros. players – yet here we are, 20 years later, still talking about Smash. The first game in the series is a fascinating relic because of this – it’s a purer game not as bogged down by complex mechanics introduced later in the series. In Super Smash Bros. you simply get down to business, and get button mashing.
That’s certainly what most of us did as kids – and arguably, it’s one of the better ways to play this game. Don’t worry about winning or losing, just get in there and have a blast. The game is simpler than modern titles like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and has a much smaller roster, but its blocky aesthetic is the only thing that really feels ‘old’ about it. Game controls are still wicked sharp, and combat holds up extremely well. It would be wonderful to jump back into this classic fighter via
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