Astro Bot: How to find Lost Galaxy warp levels

You'll need to get clever if you want to find every Lost Galaxy level.
astro bot lost galaxy warp rift levels

Astro Bot is filled with secrets. Search high and low, and you’ll find a range of special easter eggs, cool bots, and Lost Galaxy warp levels filled with even more tiny, robotic folks to find. While the game doesn’t really explain what these warp levels are, they’re very important to discover if you want to 100% complete the game, and find every special bot in the game.

Here’s how they work. In each galaxy, you’ll find particular stages with a “warp” icon beside its collectible puzzle pieces, and below its list of bots to collect. If you begin a level and it has this symbol, it means there’s a second exit which will teleport you to a Lost Galaxy warp level.

If you’ve ever played the Crash Bandicoot series, you’ll be familiar with this system, as it also has its own Secret Levels to complete, with very similar means of finding them.

Screenshot: GamesHub

Once you know there’s a Lost Galaxy warp hidden in your chosen level, you should approach your adventure with a heightened sense of curiosity. Can you jump up a certain ledge if you try hard enough? Can you reach a far distant platform if you jump on nearby terrain?

One example I’ll give is in Creamy Canyon. In this level, the Lost Galaxy warp is actually hiding beneath an ice sculpture of a seal. Using Astro Bot alone, you can’t break this sculpture – but if you look around, you can find a charging pig which can be whipped around and thrown into this sculpture to break it. Once you’ve completed this task, you’ll need to spin your way through the snow below, and then you’ll discover a golden exit to unlock one of the first Lost Galaxy levels.

Read: Nailing the Astro Bot aesthetic: An interview with Team Asobi’s Nicolas Doucet

Tips for finding warp levels in Astro Bot

In other stages, the logic of the Lost Galaxy levels is simpler, and can be discovered with common sense and intuition. If you’re struggling, consider the following:

  • Have you checked around every corner, and moved the camera around to spot a potential hidden pathway?
  • Will an ability you unlock later in the level be useful in reaching far away platforms?
  • Have you defeated all enemies in a particular area?
  • Have you swung forwards and backwards on any nearby ropes?
  • Is there a nearby flower you can use to boost your jumping ability?
  • Have you looked around the main exit before committing to leaving the stage?

And if you’re really, really struggling, revisiting any Astro Bot level will automatically unlock the hint bird. Pay 200 coins, and the bird will follow you around, and alert you to any collectibles you’ve missed while nearby. This can be particularly handy if you’ve completely missed the Lost Galaxy warp.

Keep all this in mind, and you’ll find every Lost Galaxy warp level in Astro Bot, in no time.

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.