Best PS5 games of 2023 (so far)

From space-faring adventures to monster fights, The PS5 has had a strong start to 2023.
Best PlayStation Games of 2023 So Far PS4 PS5

There’s an argument to be made that 2023 is one of the best years in gaming so far. We’ve been spoiled for choice in recent months, with an unprecedented array of major blockbusters landing month after month – many of them on PS5 consoles. We’ve fought the Dark Side in deep space, taken to the streets with unwarranted confidence and unparalleled fighting skills, and even faced gods in epic, high-fantasy action.

It’s been a spectacular time all around, with plenty of major highlights – and plenty more still to come as we barrel towards the end of the year. Before it catches up to us, let’s take a look at all the adventures we’ve already had on PS5 (and in some cases, PS4 too).

Read: The biggest video games set to launch in 2023

Here are the best PlayStation games for 2023 so far.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

star wars jedi survivor
Image: EA / GamesHub

Read GamesHub’s Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Review

‘Rather than delivering snappy quips that undermine the foundations of this universe – an act often seen in films – the Jedi: Survivor script is premised on unique, tongue-in-cheek moments and characters with real heart. Kestis pokes fun at how much climbing he’s got ahead of him. His ally Merrin, returning form Fallen Order, is an absolute blast with her deadpan snark and playful jibes.

While the action remains reliant on puzzle mechanics that occasionally bog down the main story, improvements across the board – including stunningly deft writing, and a sharp narrative – contribute to a more confident, and wildly more engaging sequel. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has not left its roots behind – but much like Cal Kestis, it has taken great leaps forward into a brighter and more ambitious future.’

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - PlayStation 5
$69.99 $24.99
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03/10/2025 07:52 am GMT

Street Fighter 6

street fighter 6 game
Image: Capcom

Read GamesHub’s Street Fighter 6 Review

‘In allowing you to actually hit the virtual streets, Street Fighter 6 opens itself up to exploring a whole new philosophy about its existence, exploring the reason why we fight and work to get stronger. In doing so, Street Fighter frames one-on-one fighting not as an antagonistic or violent act, but one of collective self-improvement. Jumping into World Tour or the Battle Hub online is exciting, and uplifting. Their paths are lined with positivity, neon graffiti, and catchy uptempo jazz and hip-hop tracks.

Street Fighter 6 is an exceedingly good fighting game. But more than that, it’s an excellent training tool. It’s a fulfilling adventure. It’s a lively community gathering place. It’s an endearingly idealistic and inspiring world of appreciation for martial arts and friendly competition, exceptionally executed in every respect.’

Street Fighter 6 Deluxe Edition – PS5
$37.57 $26.81
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03/10/2025 07:42 am GMT

Final Fantasy 16

Final Fantasy 16 review roundup
Image: Square Enix

Read GamesHub’s Final Fantasy 16 Review

Final Fantasy 16 largely shines as an epic-length action game, though the places where it attempts to find a comfortable compromise between action game and RPG feel largely unambitious, and certainly fade into the background against aspects that are approached with gusto.

However, in the same way it’s hard not to grow a strong affinity for the roguish charms of Cid and the rest of his outlaws, despite their character flaws, it’s difficult not to get swept up by the earnest saga that Final Fantasy 16 eagerly lays out for you, and the egregious heights of spectacle it displays.’

Final Fantasy XVI - PlayStation 5
$39.99 $29.40
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03/10/2025 07:33 am GMT

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores

horizon forbidden west burning shores dlc review
Screenshot: GamesHub

Read GamesHub’s Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Review

‘Like its predecessor, Burning Shores tends towards more abstract sci-fi elements, particularly in its final stanza – which includes one of the largest and grandest scale fights in Horizon – but in focusing on character and human relationships, this unique expansion successfully charts tricky waters.

Where Horizon Forbidden West leant heavily into alienating futurism, Burning Shores successfully grounds its stranger elements within a story that remains defiantly human throughout. By its closing curtain, Burning Shores proves definitively that even despotic future warlords are no match for the strength of human bonds.’

Horizon Forbidden West Standard Edition - PlayStation 5
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03/10/2025 06:42 am GMT

Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2 DLC expansion pass
Image: Dambuster Studios

Read GamesHub’s Dead Island 2 Review

Dead Island 2 is a satisfying, perpetual cycle of gory combat, and its sunny surroundings are just inviting enough to keep that momentum going.

Like a music video, that extraneous colour and flavour don’t really need to make complete sense. Both are an attractive but ultimately cursory facade for the flesh and blood of Dead Island 2 – the constant, thumping blur of feverish hacking and bashing, of gore and viscera, that all swirl together in a cocktail of extreme queasiness. Dead Island 2 is fulfilling in that respect. By the end, it leaves you teetering on that precipice between wanting a little more and feeling satisfied enough. And that’s a good place to be.’

Dead Island 2: Day 1 Edition PlayStation 5
$35.00 $31.15
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03/10/2025 07:57 am GMT


Humanity Game Review Enhance THA Limited
Image: THA Limited / Enhance

Read GamesHub’s Humanity Review

‘Even when I harboured the most animosity towards its puzzles, the striking, unnerving aesthetic of the game was always one of the strange pulls goading me into giving it another go. The stark minimalism of the stages is accompanied by loops of thoughtful, ambient electronica that tickle your brain. The intriguing spectacle of literally hundreds of bodies walking and tumbling and pushing into each other is hypnotising – like watching a lava lamp for the first time.

Humanity is an incredibly alluring piece of work. It’s a puzzle game of strong design and concept, evident in how it stretches and bends your method of mental approach in a variety of different ways – sometimes to the point of frustration, often to the point of elation. Visually striking and aurally satisfying, at times it felt like I could watch the endless bodies flow through its levels forever.’

Resident Evil 4 (Remake)

Resident Evil 4 remake review
Image: Capcom

Read GamesHub’s Resident Evil 4 Review

‘Knowing the original game well, a good deal of the enjoyment I had was seeing both minor and more obvious deviations at work. The remake purposely messes with the expectations of those who know the game inside and out. 

This contributes to a deeply satisfying reimagining of the classic game. The Resident Evil 4 remake features several smart choices that help it feel true to the original, but also shapes the adventure into something that overall feels more cohesive, modern, and thrilling than ever. It’s a stellar example of how to revitalise a classic.’

Resident Evil 4 - PS5
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03/09/2025 08:47 am GMT

Like A Dragon: Ishin!

Yakuza Like A Dragon Ishin Review
Image: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio / Sega

Read GamesHub’s Like A Dragon: Ishin! Review

‘Despite its moderately old-fashioned nature (and a few technical quirks), Like A Dragon: Ishin! still manages to leave a strong impression simply because of the inherent heart and soul of the series, which still shines through brightly. The mix of serious, high-stakes melodrama – a plot filled with double-crosses, macho characters, and highly political themes – completely draws you in. 

Meanwhile, the substories and mini-games are all either surreal, goofy as hell, or just exceedingly heartfelt and sentimental – and rip you right out. But the bizarre and obviously intentional juxtaposition is, and continues to be, strangely and irresistibly charming (once you get past the shock of the initial whiplash).’

Like a Dragon: Ishin! - PlayStation 5
$59.99 $24.44
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03/10/2025 06:18 am GMT

Lego 2K Drive

lego 2k drive game
Image: Visual Concepts / 2K Games

Read GamesHub’s Lego 2K Drive Review

‘Horses can’t drive race cars; that would be ridiculous. Practically, a nightmare. Ethically, questionable. Lego 2K Drive doesn’t care. In the face of opposition, it declares a hearty, ‘Why not?‘ and it’s this philosophy that guides the over-the-top antics of this driving adventure, as you journey through gorgeous environments, pick up quests, and take on blistering races against a gamut of rivals – including a literal racing horse.

Lego 2K Drive is a game determined to be weird – and it’s this push for strange heights that elevates the racing action. While partially inspired by the open worlds of the Forza Horizon series, 2K Drive manages to carve out its own quirky sense of identity with a commitment to being childishly fun, funny, and very odd.’

LEGO 2K Drive PlayStation 5 includes 3-in-1 Aquadirt Racer LEGO® Set
$39.99 $37.91
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03/10/2025 06:28 am GMT

Diablo 4

blizzcon diablo 4
Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Read GamesHub’s Diablo 4 Review

‘The storyline of Diablo 4 itself is captivating, with main characters well fleshed-out, and the cinematics visceral in their visual and sound design in a way that at times made my skin crawl, amping up the feeling of fear and urgency in bringing the world to equilibrium once more. 

Diablo 4 is a behemoth of a game, boasting a gothic world that goes beyond the engaging hack-and-slash gameplay loop, and brings Sanctuary well and truly to life. With the joy of constantly discovering new and exciting little details, quests, and locations on my journey, Diablo 4 might’ve converted me from game abandoner to completionist.’

Diablo IV - PlayStation 5
$69.99 $33.14
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03/10/2025 07:42 am GMT

One Piece Odyssey

One Piece Odyssey Review
Image: Bandai Namco

Read GamesHub’s One Piece Odyssey Review

One Piece Odyssey works well because each character is given a chance to shine, in a way that is specific to them – echoing the themes of friendship and teamwork that have made One Piece an all-time classic anime and manga. 

One Piece Odyssey walks the line between being a great anime adaptation and an engaging video game admirably. It feels happy, bright, and true to the tone and content of the source material, and it succeeds in making you feel close to the characters as you join them on their grand adventure. Listening to Sanji and Zoro bicker while Luffy stuffs his face with food is essential One Piece. There’s nothing more iconically One Piece than that, and Odyssey nails it.’

One Piece Odyssey - PlayStation 5
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03/10/2025 07:38 am GMT

Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts review
Image: Koei Tecmo / EA

Read GamesHub’s Wild Hearts Review

Wild Hearts is brilliant in so many ways – as an innovation on the monster hunting genre, in its beautiful mythologically-inspired feudal Japanese setting, and in just how good it feels to play moment-to-moment.

Perhaps most of all, it succeeds in realising the ideology at its core, through gameplay. Adaptation and growth is the cycle at the heart of Wild Hearts. As your Hunter places each Karakuri, they embody the innovation of humanity adapting to the natural world. In every clash with the Kemono, humanity meets the ferocity of nature head-on, to survive and prosper.’

Wild Hearts - PlayStation 5
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03/10/2025 07:37 am GMT

Dead Space (Remake)

Dead Space remake 2023 review
Image: Motive Studio / EA

Read GamesHub’s Dead Space Review

Dead Space (2023) has hung on to the lessons of the original Dead Space well, with the vast majority of what’s new here being a completely overhauled visual engine, a deeper and more intricate approach to sound design, and minimal changes overall to the layout of the Ishimura itself.

It can’t be overstated just how much a Dead Space remake always seemed like a sure thing, and after my time with it, that perspective hasn’t changed. It’s easily one of the best modern horror games, and the fresh lick of paint to really bring its grimy, snarling interpretation of sci-fi horror into sharp new relief is very welcome, especially when it maintains such faith in the source material.’

Dead Space - PlayStation 5
$34.75 $29.92
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03/10/2025 07:32 am GMT

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.