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Atlas Fallen

Atlas Fallen Review - Like Sand Through The Hourglass

Surfing through the beautiful world of Atlas Fallen is nice, but unsatisfying combat struggles to keep you invested.

Venba igf awards

'Venba' is a Moving Depiction of Diasporic Guilt - Review

Venba hits hard with an emotional and culinary-charged tale of diasporic trials and tribulations.

Twisted Metal TV Show Review

'Twisted Metal' TV show is a surprisingly watchable high-concept comedy

Twisted Metal fits nicely into the modern TV comedy show mould, and is entertaining and unique enough to keep you…

hello kitty island adventure sanrio sunblink

Hello Kitty Island Adventure review – Reach for the stars

Hello Kitty Island Adventure is a robust adventure game buoyed by its cast of beloved characters.

disney illusion island game

Disney Illusion Island Review

Disney Illusion Island is a sleek platformer aided by loveable characters, and a pristine animated world.

The Witcher: Old World board game review

The Witcher: Old World - Board Game Review

The Witcher: Old World board game weaves a charm and a spell, adapting the source material in a mostly elegant…

Pikmin 4 Review

Pikmin 4 Review - Collective Might

Pikmin 4 is a charming, challenging, and comprehensive expansion of action strategy series.

logitech g pro x 2 gaming headset wireless review

Logitech G PRO X 2 Wireless Gaming Headset Review

The Logitech G PRO X 2 Wireless Gaming Headset is extremely comfortable and rocks crisp sound – but its price…

sims 4 horse ranch review

The Sims 4: Horse Ranch review – Rootin' tootin'

The Sims 4: Horse Ranch features a very neat aesthetic, and great horse-rearing mechanics.

Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island

Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island is like a Disneyland attraction

Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island is a fascinating experiment in translating the spirit of the beloved adventure…

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