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Halo TV Series – Episode 5 Recap – ‘Reckoning’

Halo TV Series – Episode 5 Recap – ‘Reckoning’

Episode 5 of the Halo TV series finally brings some consequences to the events of the last few episodes, with…

knuckle sandwich game australian-made games

The biggest Australian-made games coming in 2022-23

Get ready for a brilliant two years in Australian games development.

tales of tribute elder scrolls online

Tales of Tribute is set to spice up life in The Elder Scrolls Online

The brand new card game is set to change the landscape of Tamriel.

high isle elder scrolls online preview

The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle preview – a dense political thriller

The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle is a more human chapter that spotlights fictional politics with a strangely relevant tale.

Halo TV series recap Episode 4 Homecoming

Halo TV Series - Episode 4 Recap - ‘Homecoming’

The Halo TV series settles comfortably into procedural drama mode as the subplots continue to spin.

the last of us 2 has plenty of personal easter eggs

Video game easter eggs prove that all games are personal

Triple-A games exist at a troubled intersection of art and capitalism. But there are hidden secrets in every game that…

serious games streets of your town

Why so serious? How Australian video games are becoming a force for change

Australia is building its expertise in creating 'serious' games for education and social change. Here's a look at the good…

Halo TV Series Episode 3 Emergence

Halo TV Series - Episode 3 Recap - ‘Emergence’

Episode three introduces Cortana, dabbles in a bit of body horror, and has Master Chief taking his armour off again.…

Rainbow Six Mobile

Rainbow Six Mobile is Siege made far more accessible

Ubisoft is bringing Rainbow Six Siege-style competitive multiplayer to smartphones, and has built an accessible entry point in the process.

virtual realms videogames transformed the wall kojima productions

Virtual Realms brings game designers to contemporary museums

Games designers invited into contemporary museum spaces reimagine their art form in surprising and wondrous ways.

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