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spongebob cosmic shake game

All the biggest video game releases in January 2023

It's a brand new year, and that means brand new games. Here's every major title set to launch in January…

2023 most anticipated board games witcher vampire masquerade

The most anticipated board games of 2023

The world of board games is about to get much bigger. Here's every major new release we're anticipating in 2023.

2023 video games predictions nintendo mario switch

11 major predictions for video games in 2023

Let's gaze into the crystal ball, and predict what could be in store for the future of video games.

Bayonetta 3 voice acting controversy

Voice actors reflect on Bayonetta 3 controversy – has anything changed? 

The furore that surrounded Bayonetta 3 highlighted the issue of fair pay for voice actors. We spoke to some voice…

Fire Emblem Engage

Fire Emblem Engage Preview - Emblems A Go-Go

The opening hours of Fire Emblem Engage reveal a game that's really focused on improving the experience of its turn-based…

Wylde Flowers Conscious Voice over acting Casting

Conscious casting in the world of voice over acting

While the stage and screen industries are shifting towards a colour-conscious casting culture, the voiceover world is only just catching…

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Edelgard and Dimitri - An interview with the author of An Eagle Among Lions fanfic

Fanfiction as dialogue - An interview with the author of 'Fire Emblem: An Eagle Among Lions'

The author of the renowned Fire Emblem: Three Houses fanfic, titled An Eagle Among Lions, discusses how she sees fanfiction…

A Mending

Exploring crafting games and storytelling traditions with 'A Mending'

It's fun to gather friends for a tabletop game, but there are also several designed for solo play that invite…

wayward strand ghost pattern a maze award nomination

Wayward Strand dev Goldie Bartlett shares her top games of 2022

Goldie Bartlett from Ghost Pattern, developer of Wayward Strand, shares some of her favourite games of 2022.

Nicholas Kennedy Best of 2022 NORCO Game of the Year

Nicholas Kennedy's Top 3 Games of 2022

Games critic Nicholas Kennedy shares his personal picks for the Top 3 games of 2022.

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