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Point Click Killer

On Point Click Killer, and Game Making as Cultural Connection

Why do some developers spend so much energy making free jam games? We ask Point Click Killer developer Dace Kelly.

eldritch horror mystery board games

The best mystery board games for tabletop detectives

If you're looking for a spooky, strange, or mysterious adventure for your next tabletop gaming session – look no further.

tamagotchi adventure kingdom gameplay

Interview: Tamagotchi Adventure Kingdom was forged by "joyful nostalgia"

Chanh Ly, Publishing Lead at Bandai Namco Mobile and Executive Producer of Tamagotchi Adventure Kingdom discusses the new adventure.

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is the best of both worlds for the ambitious series

We played Sega's upcoming RPG and spoke with producer Sakamoto about embracing the new changes to the series.

kazuya mishima tekken 8 gameplay trailer

The biggest video games launching in January 2024

Here's all the biggest video games launching in January 2024.

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10 major predictions for video games in 2024

After a brilliant but difficult year for the video games industry, let's look towards the future, and what's next.

Edmond Tran Best of 2023

Edmond Tran's Favourite Games of 2023

I refuse to write about myself in the third-person any longer. Here are some 2023 games I really liked!

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Leah J. Williams' Favourite Games of 2023

In a rough year for the games industry, an incredible number of blockbuster video games made a significant impression.

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The Most Anticipated Games of 2024

After an impressive 2023, let's look to our most anticipated games of the coming year.

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The Best Australian Games of 2023

The best Australian games of 2023 showed off just how talented our local developers really are.

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