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The Sims 4

The sims 4 update sexual orientation

Free Sims 4 update adds sexual preferences and body hair, available now

The Sims 4 has added a major free update for all players ahead of the release of the High School…

sims 4 high school years features

Every new feature coming to The Sims 4: High School Years

The Sims 4: High School Years is set to shake up teen life in a major way.

mods the sims 4 game

How to find and download the best mods for The Sims 4

You can find so many fantastic mods for The Sims 4 across the internet. Here's where to start.

sims 4 high school years expansion pack

The Sims 4: High School Years officially confirmed for July

The Sims 4: High School Years introduces new social media tools, prom, and plenty of teenage antics.

werewolves the sims 4

The Sims 4: Werewolves review – furious and furry good fun

Sadly howl at the moon, wee on the floor, and tear your furniture to pieces with this nifty game pack.

high school the sims 4 expansion pack

The next major Sims 4 game expansion may have leaked

The Sims 4: High School could be the next major expansion pack coming to the beloved life simulator.

sims werewolves

Everything you need to know about The Sims 4: Werewolves

Here's everything new coming to The Sims 4: Werewolves, and what you can expect from the new game pack.

sims 4 werewolves

The Sims 4: Werewolves will finally let you howl at the moon

The Sims 4: Werewolves is finally official, following much speculation about the hairy surprise hiding in a recent seasonal trailer.

froggy chair animal crossing the sims

Animal Crossing and The Sims fans are fighting over a froggy chair

Fans of Animal Crossing and The Sims are debating whether EA is copying or paying homage to Nintendo.

the sims 4 moonlight chic

The Sims 4: Moonlight Chic and Little Campers kits out now

The Sims 4 is set to get two new DLC kits in May: Moonlight Chic and Little Campers.

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