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Final Fantasy XIV

final fantasy 14 a realm reborn

Final Fantasy 14 Mobile will begin with A Realm Reborn

New content will be released at a regular cadence, based on player feedback.

naoki yoshida square enix

Naoki Yoshida's career began with breaking convention in Mario. Bros

Mario Bros. kicked off a long journey for the Final Fantasy XIV director.

final fantasy xiv hippo minion moo deng

Viral baby hippo Moo Deng has shaken up Final Fantasy XIV's economy

Moo Deng's power is unmatched.

final fantasy xiv gong cha teas

Final Fantasy XIV teams up with Gong Cha for delicious brews

Fat Chocobo's Flying Smoothie is particularly delicious.

final fantasy xiv

Final Fantasy XIV is surprisingly accessible for newcomers

Final Fantasy XIV appears daunting – but simplified gameplay and combat makes it easily accessible for newcomers.

final fantasy xiv servers oceania

How to get started in the world of Final Fantasy XIV Online

Square Enix has released a major Starter Guide to help new players enter the world of Eorzea.

final fantasy xiv free trial

The Final Fantasy XIV free trial returns in February

After months of waiting, the Final Fantasy XIV free trial is finally returning.

final fantasy xiv

Final Fantasy XIV launches wildly popular Oceanian servers

Final Fantasy XIV launched its Oceanian servers on Tuesday. Since then, the Home World Transfer Service has been buggy.

final fantasy xiv servers oceania

Final Fantasy XIV is finally opening its Oceanian servers

Final Fantasy XIV is returning to sale this January, and it's got some brand new servers in tow.

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Final Fantasy XIV pulled from sale following Endwalker release

Final Fantasy XIV has been temporarily removed from sale due to the popularity of its new Endwalker expansion.

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