australian games

Sports Story features secret developer room with stark message
A player has seemingly stumbled into a secret room in Sports Story that features major developer grievances.

Australian game development jobs have grown 59% in FY21-22
IGEA has released its Australian game development industry snapshot for the financial year.

Screen Queensland opens applications for Games Grants 2023
Screen Queensland has opened applications to Queensland game developers for its second round of Games Grants, set to commence in…

Way to the Woods gets March 2023 launch window
Way to the Woods made an important cameo appearance ahead of The Game Awards 2022.

Unpacking wins Game of the Year at INDIE Live Expo Awards 2022
Witch Beam’s cosy hit Unpacking has earned another accolade, winning Game of the Year at the INDIE Live Expo Winter…

VicScreen Originate Games applications are now open
Originate Games is a new program designed to support emerging game developers and fresh, original ideas.

What are games worth? Australian mobile game developers talk monetisation
What are games worth? We ask three current mobile game designers about their attitudes and practical approaches to in-game monetistation

Australia's Digital Games Tax Offset has been introduced
The Digital Games Tax Offset will provide a 30% tax rebate for game development projects that reach a threshold of…

Amberial Dreams is a clever musical physics platformer with no jump
Science and music harmonise together nicely in Amberial Dreams, a unique 2D pinball-like platformer where you can't jump.

darkwebSTREAMER is a disturbing emergent narrative experience
darkwebSTREAMER is a curious game that wants to replicate the stress of livestreaming, with a bit of the occult mixed…