Game Development

BioShock creator's next game reportedly stuck in 'development hell'
Ken Levine's next title is reportedly suffering from development lag and communication challenges.

Valheim, Chicory, and TikTok: Reflecting on 2021 with Meredith Hall
Games producer and consultant Meredith Hall reflects on the game that defined her 2021, the impact of TikTok on game…

The Top 5 Games of 2021, according to Brendan Keogh
Some Brisbane-made masterpieces, a couple of console staples, and one cheeky inclusion make up Brendan Keogh's highlights of 2021.

Jini Maxwell's Games Industry Highlights of 2021
A great year for policy in the Australian video game industry and kudos for Umurangi Generation mark the highlights of…

Wren Brier's Top 3 Gaming Highlights of 2021
Wren Brier, the developer of the award-winning game Unpacking, shares her gaming highlights of 2021.

Finji CEO says indie games are becoming more complex to make
Rebekah Saltsman of Finji has discussed the state of modern indie games, and why they're getting more expensive to make.

Telltale Games promises The Wolf Among Us 2 news in 2022
Telltale Games has promised a fresh update on The Wolf Among Us 2 sometime in early 2022.

Australia's game development incentives are tempting New Zealand studios
A new NZGDA survey has revealed Australian tax incentives and border closures are impacting jobs in the New Zealand games…

The Australian Digital Games Tax Offset is being expanded by $19.6 million
The Digital Games Tax Offset will now extend to 'games as a service' projects, with additional funding on the way.

The Australian games industry is now worth $226 million
IGEA's fifth annual Australia Game Development Survey has revealed major growth for the local industry.