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final fantasy 7 remake part 2

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 news is coming later in 2022

Fans finally know when to expect more news about Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2.

troy baker voiceverse

Troy Baker backs down from NFT partnership with VoiceVerse

Voice actor Troy Baker has backed down from VoiceVerseNFT following major, ongoing backlash.

worms nfts

Team17 is turning the iconic Worms into NFTs

The Worms have been video game icons for nearly three decades. Now, they're being turned into NFTs.

wordle game

Wordle has been purchased by The New York Times

Wordle, which has gained massive popularity over the last few months, has been purchased for seven figures.

sony bungie developer

Sony buys Destiny developer Bungie for US $3.6 billion

Sony's purchase of Bungie is the latest in a long line of high-profile developer acquisitions in the games industry.

grand theft auto v

Grand Theft Auto 5 tops Australian charts... in January 2022

In the post-Christmas period, during a slow week for new game release, Grand Theft Auto 5 rockets to the top…

ubisoft nfts

Ubisoft VP says players 'don't get' why NFTs are good

In a new interview, Nicolas Pouard, VP of Ubisoft's Strategic Innovations Lab, has claimed players just don't understand NFTs.

Halo Paramount+ TV series

Halo TV series gets new trailer ahead of Paramount Plus launch

A new trailer for the Halo TV series on Paramount Plus has given us a more detailed look at where…

atari nfts loot boxes nft

Atari celebrates 50th birthday with NFT loot boxes

Atari is celebrating its 50th anniversary by launching a number of 'surprise' NFT loot boxes.

elder scrolls online high isle esky

Bethesda has commissioned a magical Elder Scrolls Online esky

To celebrate the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle, Bethesda ANZ has commissioned a glorious piece of merchandise.

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