Bandai Namco has announced its anime-inspired MMORPG Blue Protocol will shut down in Japan, and it will no longer release in the West. In a blog post, the studio has confirmed all service for Blue Protocol will end on 18 January 2025, and further work has been discontinued.
Amazon Games had been set to release a Western version of the game by late 2024, but that agreement has now been ended, amidst doubts around the game’s future success.
“We have enjoyed a strong relationship with Amazon Games throughout the development of Blue Protocol, and both of our teams are disappointed that we will not be able to deliver the game to players around the world,” Bandai Namco Online said.
The Blue Protocol team has sympathised with player disappointment, and shared their own love for the world and characters of the game. “We were excited to welcome players around the world into Regnas,” the team said. “We join Bandai Namco Online in expressing deep gratitude to the passionate fans who followed Blue Protocol development and participated in the Closed Technical Test.”
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In an additional statement, Bandai Namco Online claimed it was simply unable to provide an experience that would satisfy all players. While Blue Protocol had been available for more than a year in Japan, it appears the game was not able to find its core audience, or realise its true vision.
“We know there has been great anticipation for Blue Protocol since the first announcement of the game,” the studio said. “We wanted to deliver an experience that is like stepping into the world of anime, and we have been challenging ourselves to create a world where each and every player can enjoy adventures as the main character of the anime.”
“We have worked hard to prepare for the release; however, we have come to the conclusion that it will not be possible to provide a service that satisfies all of you. We deeply apologise for the sudden announcement.”
Beyond this, no further details were provided about the shut down of Blue Protocol and its cancellation in Western markets. By all accounts, it does appear to be a very sudden decision, and one the Bandai Namco Online team weren’t necessarily anticipating.