Five Nights At Freddy‘s, the film adaptation of the popular game, from director Emma Tammi, has becoming the “biggest Blumhouse film of all time” thanks to strong box office success worldwide. The news was announced by Blumhouse Productions founder Jason Blum, who took to Twitter / X to confirm it had recently surpassed the James McAvoy-starring Split as the studio’s biggest success.
In its path to the top, it’s also seemingly overtaken popular films including The Black Phone, Get Out, Glass, Firestarter, Halloween (2018), and more.
Per Box Office Mojo, the film has achieved a worldwide total of US $283,107,340 at the box office, with the majority of tickets sold in the US domestic market. It’s likely to have netted a significant profit for Blumhouse, as its alleged budget (per Deadline) was just US $20 million.
It’s also a notable achievement as Five Nights At Freddy’s received lukewarm reception from critics, with early press labelling it muddy, unscary, bizarre, disappointing, and generic. It has succeeded despite this, suggesting fans of the franchise (or those just curious) turned up for the adaptation regardless of these opinions. There is a strong, worldwide appetite for new horror projects of all sorts – and it appears the Five Nights at Freddy’s adaptation struck gold with its release.
Read: Five Nights At Freddy’s movie trailer teases terrifying animatronics
The film was also simultaneously released on Peacock in the United States, with this release seeming to have little impact on its domestic box office.
The success of the film is likely to inspire further sequels, in the same way the original video game’s viral success spawned a number of sequels and spin-offs of varying quality. While its primary audience is horror enthusiasts, it has also managed to enthral an entire generation of children, with its light, creeping horror and spooky jump scares functioning as an “introduction” to the genre for countless budding gamers.
We expect to see Blumhouse speak more on the Five Nights At Freddy’s film adaptation in future, with a sequel likely already in the works, based on the original film’s rampant success.