Panic, the publisher behind Untitled Goose Game and Firewatch, has announced the Panic Games Showcase – a 20-minute digital presentation revealing more about the company’s future plans. The show will take place on 29 August 2023, and spotlight a range of new and upcoming games, including some previously-announced titles.
We’ll get a new look at Nour: Play With Your Food, a sandbox game about literally playing with your food, and Despelote, a slice-of-life narrative game about the magic of soccer, set in Ecuador. A number of unannounced titles will also be revealed during the showcase.
Notably, Panic has announced there will be no Playdate news on show. In early 2022, Panic released this niche handheld console to high praise, with many celebrating its unique cranking feature and the quality of its mini-games. Recently, it breezed past the 50,000 units sold milestone, with Panic announcing strong plans for growth in the years ahead.
Read: Panic’s Playdate handheld game console hits 50,000 units sold
While the Playdate remains a focus for Panic, its publishing duties will be in the spotlight for the upcoming showcase.
‘A lot of people out there know us as makers of Mac software like Transmit and Nova. And some people know us as the creators of the Playdate handheld video game system,’ Panic co-founder Cabel Sasser said, per VGC. ‘Honestly, not very many people know us as the publisher of Firewatch and Untitled Goose Game. We thought it’d be fun to put on a little show and let the world know about the wonderful games we’ve been working on publishing, from amazing developers all around the world.’
Panic Games Showcase 2023: Global Livestream Times
Here’s when you can tune into the Panic Games Showcase 2023 to learn more about the work of the tenured publisher:
- Australia – 3:00 am AEST | 2:30 am ACST | 1:00 am AWST (30 August)
- New Zealand – 5:00 am NZST (30 August)
- United States – 10:00 am PT | 1:00 pm ET (29 August)
- United Kingdom – 6:00 pm BST | 7:00 pm CET (29 August)
Stay tuned for the latest news from the event.