Popular anime Jujutsu Kaisen has arrived in Fortnite, with a major crossover event allowing players to hunt down Cursed Llamas, earn cosmetic rewards, and purchase various character outfits representing the anime’s main cast.
Following the Fortnite Battle Royale V25.30 update, players will find Battle Royale Island littered with those aforementioned Llamas, each of which requires exorcism. Destroying a Cursed Llama will allow players to learn two cursed techniques: Straw Doll Technique and Hollow Technique: Purple, both of which can be deployed for high-damage attacks.
You’ll also be able to complete specific ‘Break the Curse!’ quests on Battle Royale Island, with each milestone providing new cosmetic Jujutsu Kaisen-themed rewards. These include a Yuji Itadori Outfit, backpack cosmetics, as well as other rewards. On the Free Reward Track, you can unlock 11 unique items, while the Premium Reward Track will provide an additional 11 items, including the Streetwear Yuji Itadori Outfit.
Outfits for characters Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, and Satoru Gojo will also be available as part of the event, with these now available in the Fortnite Item Shop.
Read: Jujutsu Kaisen is getting its first major console game
As well as Free and Premium track quests, players will also be able to participate in the Jujutsu Kaisen Cup, a limited-time event that provides special Sprays and Emoticons based on the anime series.
It appears Epic Games has gone all-in on Jujutsu Kaisen, with this crossover providing a range of new mini-games and rewards that should pique the interest of anime fans. As one of the fastest-rising anime franchises in recent years, it certainly has the audience backing to make this event a success.
Keen players will have until 25 August 2023 to hop in for the Fortnite x Jujutsu Kaisen crossover, with a range of quests set to go live over the coming month. Per Epic Games, the first wave of quests is now live in the game, with the second wave set to launch on 10 August 2023. It will be followed by two more waves later in August.