Popular online multiplayer game Among Us is getting an animated TV show adaptation from CBS Studios, per a new report from Variety. The series will reportedly follow the basic plot of the game, and feature a space ship at the mercy of a mysterious alien shapeshifter who intends to sabotage operations and kill each crew member in turn.
CBS Eye Animation Productions has teamed up with game developer Innersloth for the project, with work reportedly being overseen by executive producer Owen Dennis, the creator of Cartoon Network’s Infinity Train, and a former writer and storyboard artist on Regular Show.
Titmouse, the animation studio behind Big Mouth, The Legend of Vox Machina, and the cinematics of Hi-Fi Rush will animate the series, based on direction from Dennis, as well as Innersloth’s Forest Willard, Marcus Bromander, and Carl Neisser. Chris Prynoski, Shannon Prynoski, Antonio Canobbio, and Ben Kalina of Titmouse will also executive produce.
Read: Fortnite officially acknowledges Among Us as inspiration for Impostors mode
According to Variety, no streamers or networks have been courted yet, although negotiations are reportedly ongoing, amidst the current chaos of Hollywood.
To that end, Variety has confirmed Among Us will be produced under The Animation Guild, rather than the WGA – which is in the midst of an ongoing and highly public strike for better pay and working conditions. Many writers working on animated shows are not currently included in this strike action.
For now, further details about the Among Us TV remain cloudy. As one of the most popular online multiplayer games, with a sustained and passionate fanbase, it’s likely there’ll be great interest in the show. CBS Studios will have more to say as production ramps up, and a vision for the series crystallises.