Kojima Productions has released the first trailer for Hideo Kojima: Connecting Worlds, an upcoming documentary set to explore the life and career of studio founder and famed game designer, Hideo Kojima. Based on this early glimpse, it appears the documentary will lean heavily into the artistic side of Kojima’s work, exploring his impact on the games industry, and the high risk of founding an independent game studio.
Per the trailer’s description, it will explore exactly what makes Kojima the so-called ‘first auteur’ of video games: ‘Widely regarded as the first auteur of video games, this visually captivating documentary gives a rare insight into Hideo Kojima’s creative process as he launches his own independent studio.’
In trailer snippets, Kojima’s fellow creators in the film world are interviewed, with Guillermo del Toro and George Miller both appearing to praise Kojima’s work and artistic vision. del Toro refers to Kojima as a ‘master’, while Miller refers to the act of game creation as requiring ‘creative courage’.
Death Stranding collaborator Norman Reedus describes his time working with Kojima as ‘stepping into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.’
Read: On Hideo Kojima’s memes and ‘The Creative Gene’
Later in the trailer, the hard-working folks at Kojima Productions are seen huddling for a team meeting, and working on various elements of game design as Kojima directs the action. He makes reference to the team’s outlook being ‘positive’ only once the cameras roll, which draws a laugh from his development team.
The dramatic final shot of the trailer features Kojima discussing a vision for the future, and how technology can bring everyone together.
Hideo Kojima: Connecting Worlds is set to air first at the 2023 Tribeca Festival, on 17 June 2023 ET. There is no current word on a wider release, but it’s likely the documentary will be available for everyone to view in the months following its festival debut.