Untitled Goose Game Live, a hybrid gameplay and live orchestral show, has been announced for July 2022. This unique performance at ACMI in Melbourne, Victoria will feature the excellent House House game projected onto a cinema screen as musicians from Orchestra Victoria perform a new arrangement of composer Dan Golding’s ARIA-nominated score.
‘Bring the family along as our horrible goose creates chaos, calamity and hilarity in a small village, with a new arrangement of Dan Golding’s soundtrack created exclusively for this performance, featuring works by classical French composer Claude Debussy,’ the event description reads.
‘During the game, the musicians will react live to the actions of the player, making for a one-of-a-kind experience for fans of the hit videogame.’
Following the conclusion of each performance on Friday (set for 3:30 pm and 6:00 pm) there will also be curated talks that include advice for students who want to learn more about music composition and games.
The Saturday 11:00 am session will include a relaxed environment for visitors with sensory needs, while the 1:00 pm performance will be a standalone odyssey through the Untitled Goose journey.
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The concerts look set to be absolute delightful, with the reactive orchestra experience being perfect for fans of the chaos of Untitled Goose Game. Golding’s soundtrack is a real gem, and features delightfully calming (and at times, chaotic) vibes that elevate the game’s idyllic country town setting.
Seeing the game played with a full orchestra backing the action should give everybody’s favourite goose the perfect chance to eat up the spotlight – and the scenery.
Tickets for the event start from $20, and are available to purchase now.
Untitled Goose Game Live will be performed on 8 July and 9 July 2022 at ACMI, Fed Square in Melbourne. To find out more about the show and grab tickets, head to the ACMI website.