Remedy Entertainment has a number of blockbuster games in the works, including major sequels to Alan Wake and Control – but it’s not just these titles currently in development. In its financial results and accompanying investor call, the developer has detailed a number of new titles on the way, including multiple spin-offs for Control.
The first of these is Codename Condor, an upcoming multiplayer game where players will reportedly embody agents roaming the Federal Bureau of Control’s Oldest House. According to Remedy CEO Tero Virtala, this game is currently in the proof-of-concept stage.
Second spin-off Codename Heron was described by Virtala as ‘a bigger Control game’ currently in the concept and prototyping stage. While described as bigger than Condor, it’s currently unclear if this is a fully-fledged sequel to the events of Control, as details are still very sparse.
Beyond the Control franchise, which looks set to explode over the next year or so, Virtala also re-introduced the upcoming Project Vanguard, a free-to-play co-op shooter in the works with Tencent. At this stage, it’s unknown what this game will focus on, and whether it will tie in to existing Remedy properties.
Read: Remedy provides update on Alan Wake 2 and announces TV series
Also in the works from the company is the Max Payne 1 + 2 remaster, which will overhaul both of the beloved games for a brand new generation. ‘The public reception to this announcement was overwhelmingly positive,’ Virtala said on the company’s financial call. ‘Max Payne clearly has a special place in the hearts of not only Remedians but gamers across the globe. We are very excited to bring the remade game for old and new fans alike.’
The games will be launched together, however there were no further updates shared on the call.
In addition, the company provided fresh details on the upcoming Alan Wake 2, following a brief showcase from developer Sam Lake, and actors Ilkka Villi and Matthew Porretta. While no specifics were provided, Virtala said the following of the project: ‘Alan Wake 2 is in the full production stage. A lot of work remains, but the game is starting to take a more complete form in many areas. As communicated earlier, Alan Wake 2 will be released in 2023.’
Firm release dates have not been given for Remedy’s upcoming slate of projects – however, there’s still plenty of reasons to get excited. The worlds of Alan Wake and Control are set to expand in a big way over the coming year, and it appears there’s even more Remedy goodness on the way.